Meet the Team
Helen Ashley (Headteacher)
Ashley Roberts (Chair of Governors) Email:
Responsibilities: Chair of Governors and Safeguarding
Appointed by the Governing Board: 19.10.21 Term Ends: 18.10.25
Laurence Cooper (Staff Governor)
Appointed by the Governing Board: 08.03.2023 Term ends: 07.03.2027
Simon Roberts (Parent Governor)
Responsibilities: Task and Finish
Appointed by the Governing Board: 08.10.21 Term Ends: 07.10.25
Laura Lovell (Co-opted Governor)
Appointed by the Governing Board:17.11.23 Term Ends 16.11.27
Fiona Taylor (Parent Governor)
Appointed by the Governing Board: 17.11.23 Term Ends 16.11.27
Maxine Shaw (Co-opted Governor)
Appointed by the Governing Board:17.11.23 Term Ends 16.11.27
Gary Cooper (Co-opted Governor)
Appointed by the Governing Board: 10.5.24 Term Ends 9.5.28
Debbie Tompkinson (Clerk to the Governors)