Our Governors


The Governers at Hebden Green are essential in ensuring high standards of acheivement for all pupils by:

  • working with the Senior Leadership Team to set the aims and objectives for the school

  • setting and reviewing the policies for achieving those aims and objectives

  • setting the targets for achieving those aims and objectives

  • monitoring and evaluating the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives

  • offering a source of challenge and support to the headteacher (a critical friend)

Our full governing body meets termly and there are regular sub group meetings which allow every member of our governing board to develop a deep, and thorough knowledge of the school.

For Full Governing Body Minutes (Part A), to contact our Chair of Governors or learn more about the ongoing work of our Governors, please contact reception on 01606 594221


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Hebden Green School, Woodford Lane West, Winsford, Cheshire, CW7 4EJ

Tel: 01606 594221 | admin@hebdengreen.cheshire.sch.uk